
Reallabor | Inner-city textile shading to improve the local microclimate on the UniCampus Kassel

The planned real laboratory deals with inner-city textile shading and the possibility of using these microclimatically improving measures to achieve a higher quality of stay in public urban space during extreme hot weather conditions.
Within the compact seminar, the methodology and a concrete planning for the subsequent implementation of the planned lightweight construction measure will take place.
Based on the concrete unsatisfactory situation around the ASL building as an exemplary urban space, variants of textile canopies are to be developed for the adjacent campus garden in front of the student house using new methods of constructive membrane building.
In addition to providing shade, the mesh membranes also serve as rainwater collection systems, which are intended to serve as urban furniture (e.g. gabions filled with demolition material from the neighbouring construction site), but also as a habitat for plants and small animals. The night-time convertibility of the membranes, as well as the seasonal ease of assembly and disassembly, are also to be investigated.

Project team TWE | Department of Structural Design | Universiy Kassel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julian Lienhard | M.Sc. Dongyuan Liu | M. Sc. Gregor Grünkorn

Project team Future Lab Living | University Kassel
G.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Anna Weber | G.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Peter Tschada

Image 1-3: Johann Taillebois, Jens Eligehausen | MAGDA-MAP
Image 4-11: Ansgar Tollhopf
Image 12: Hilke Manot