The Department's research focuses on the discourses of the building, land and resource turnaround, climate-protecting and climate-adapted planning and building and is located at the interface of architecture and Urban Design, on a neighborhood scale.
Circular City - Circularly organized neighbourhoods
Sufficiency-oriented architecture and neighborhoods
StadtLandQuartiere - Urban development in suburban and rural areas
Transformation of inner cities
Urban mining + recycling architectures
Land recycling | redensification strategies + typologies for "more city in the city"
Settlement level 2. brownfields above the rooftops of the city
Updates. Climate Conversion of 1950-70s residential ensembles
Co-living / tiny living. Shared forms of living
Caring communities. Neighborhoods for caring communities
Urban production. Spaces for co-productive work in the neighborhood
C2C-designed commercial parks
Mobility architectures. Buildings + urban spaces for the transport transition
Circularity and sufficiency as guiding themes for future-oriented neighborhood development