Landscape Architecture I Engineering

The chair of "Landscape Architecture | Technology" is dedicated in research and teaching to the climate resilience and sustainable construction of public open spaces in the era of climate change.


Planning disciplines are at a threshold. Fundamental reorientation is required to achieve a paradigm shift towards sustainable construction of our built environment. Landscape architecture can make a significant contribution to this transformation process. This involves the procedures and results of designing and constructing of urban open spaces. They have to support aspects of climate mitigation, climate adaptation and climate justice. Therefore current practices need to be questioned, developed and transformed into sustainable patterns of action.


We consistently consider landscape architecture from the perspective of anthropogenically induced climate change. The profession must rapidly provide the necessary action patterns for adapting to the consequences of climate change in order to maintain livable and inhabitable everyday spaces in cities. This requires a comprehensive, rapid, and far-sighted transformation of many public spaces towards a sustainable blue-green infrastructure. Landscape architecture can draw from its own history to contribute to construction activities that conserve resources and protect the climate. Ultimately, the impending transformation process of public spaces will pose a societal challenge that must be managed equitably and communicated through democratic processes.


University of Kassel
Faculty 06 Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning
Department Landscape Architecture | Engineering
Building: ASL 7 / HaFeKa
Gottschalkstr. 26
Room 1103 - 1106
34127 Kassel

+49-561 804-7154
+49-561 804-2030