StadtTeilen. (CitySharing)

StadtTeilen. New research project on urban sharing practices.

In recent years, debates about the future of cities have been increasingly characterized by issues such as space scarcity, gentrification and displacement. At the same time, it can be observed that forms of sharing, even beyond housing, are gaining in importance in urban areas.

The Stadt teilen project explores the significance and potential of sharing in inner-city, socially mixed neighborhoods. The project builds on previous scientific and practical approaches and explores different forms of sharing, from commoning to the sharing economy. The aim is to develop approaches and visions for neighborly forms of sharing in processes of urban transformation.

The project includes case studies of inner-city neighborhoods in three cities: Berlin, Kassel and Stuttgart. In addition to an urban sociological analysis, forms and possibilities of neighborhood sharing will be explored together with the residents in a practical laboratory. The results of the research will be summarized in the form of scientific publications and handouts, and will also be made available in the form of practical designs. The project also aims to feed the results back into the neighborhoods.


Funded by: the Robert Bosch Foundation.
Duration: 2018 - 2023.
Participating institutions: University of Kassel, HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Buzwan Morell Architekten PartGmbH, Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus.