

Training: Prevention in Dealing with Sexualised Violence/Harassment in the University Context

The Representatives for Women and Equal Opportunities of faculty 06 have joined forces with the ZuZ Handeln team( organise a training course on preventing and dealing with sexual violence/harassment in a university context.


The training is free of charge and will take place on Wednesday, 30/10/2024 in the afternoon. It will be held in two blocks with the same content:

  • 14:00 to 16:00: Lecturers, ATMs (administrative employees) and all other employees of FB06
  • 16:30 to 18:30: Students of the FB06


You are all cordially invited to attend.


Among other things, it is about the following contents:

  • basics and sensitisation (working with case studies, deconstruction of social assumptions and myths)
  • pitfalls and dynamics in connection with complaints (teachers)
  • response options as a victim or witness (students)
  • legal basis of the Landeshochschulgesetz (State Higher Education Act)
  • contact points at and outside the university


The Represntatives of Women and Equal Opportunities of Faculty 06 look forward to your participation.

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