Committees and Representatives

Many of the decisions made at the faculty are made by the relevant committees. The composition of the individual committees generally includes professors, academic staff, students and other specialised staff.

Faculty Council

Public meeting dates usually on Wednesdays at 14:00

The Faculty Council is the faculty's highest decision-making body. It consists of seven members of the professor group, two students, two academic members and one administrative/technical member. The members of the Office of the Dean have an advisory role in the Faculty Council. The Dean chairs the Faculty Council.

According to § 44 of the Hessisches Hochschulgesetz (Hessian Higher Education Act), among other things, is responsible for

  1. Issuing examination regulations and study regulations,
  2. Proposals for the establishment and discontinuation of degree programs,
  3. Coordination of research projects,
  4. Proposals for development planning,
  5. Commenting on target agreements in accordance with § 7 para. 3,
  6. Decision on the Appointments Committee's appointment proposal,
  7. Decisions in accordance with § 25, proposals in accordance with § 26 and appointments in accordance with § 32 para. 4,
  8. Proposals for the establishment and abolition of scientific and technical facilities,
  9. Decisions on the establishment and abolition of working groups,
  10. Regulation of the use of departmental facilities within the framework of the user regulations.


Last election as part of the university election: 5/7/2023
Term of office: 2 years, students 1 year

Meetings Winter Semester 2024/25

16/10/24, 14:00

13/11/24, 14:00

11/12/24, 14:00

22/01/25, 14:00

05/02/25, 14:00

26/03/25, 14:00

Deputy Members

Student Members of the Faculty Council

Stephanie Sophie Reincke

Vincent Hildenhagen

Marten Neustadt

Successor: Sinan Bilgin


So-called representatives are appointed for numerous areas of university life: These are usually individuals who are appointed by a university body (e.g. Office of the Dean or Faculty Council).

As a rule, representatives only have an advisory function in their work. In individual cases, they are given their own powers by the legislator and represent an important point of contact within the university.

Examination Board

Chairwoman: Prof. Mag.arch. Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs

Sarah John von Zydowitz
Philip Stöcker


Doctoral Committee

Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Leibenath / Deputy Prof. Dr. Ing. Frank Roost
Meeting dates: 23/04/2025, 14:00 | 04/06/2025, 14:00 | 02/07/2025, 14:00
Last election: 09/24 I Term of office: 2 years, students 1 year

Sinan Bilgin

Committee for Artistic Qualifications

Chairwoman: Prof. Heike Klussmann

Patrick Dücker

Academic Commission

Chairwoman: Prof. Ariane Röntz

Last election: 2024

Markus Grote
Marlene Hoppmann
Philip Stöcker
Pascale Hermann


Commission for International Affairs

Chairwoman: Prof. Dr. Alla Vronskaya

No fixed term of office / FB-internal committee

Young Talent Commission

No fixed term of office / FB-internal committee

Commission for Internal and External Representation

Chairman: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Oswalt

No fixed term of office / FB-internal committee

Ida Reuter