Prof. Dr.-Ing. Verena Brehm

Designing in Urban Contexts

Gottschalkstraße 22
34127 Kassel
Gottschalk 22, Raum 1109
Consultation Hours

on appointment

Vita  (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Verena Brehm)


Appointment as Professor for the Department of Designing in Urban Contexts, University of Kassel

Appointment as member of the German Academy for Urban Design and Regional Planning e.V. (DASL)

Appointment as member of the Baukollegium Berlin (design advisory board)

Visiting Professor, Department of Urban Interventions, University of Kassel

Guest Professor, Department of Urban Design, University of Kassel

Research assistant and lecturer at Leibniz University Hannover / School of Architecture Bremen / Eberhard Karls University Tübingen

since 2005
Founding partner of CITYFÖRSTER architecture and urbanism

Doctorate Dr.-Ing., Leibniz University Hannover / TU Berlin

Study of Architecture and Urban Design, Leibniz University Hannover / TU Berlin / Royal Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen


memberships / activities

since 2025
Member of the working group "Buildings + Neighborhoods", Climate Protection Council City of Kassel

since 2025
member of the university network "Gemeinsam für die Bauwende"

since 2025
Supporting member of Architects for Future

since 2024
member of the working group "Urban and Neighborhood Development", acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, Munich


Academic self-administration

since winter semester 2024/25
Deputy Head of the Institute of Architecture

since winter semester 2024/25
Deputy Graduate Representative and member of the Graduate Academy

since winter semester 2024/25
Committee for Artistic Qualifications

since winter semester 2023/24
Representative for Women and Equal Opportunities of FB06

since summer semester 2024
Establishment of the Materials Exchange Plattform as a cross-campus and cross-departmental institution

since summer semester 2024
Development of "M:ASL - Mentoring ASL", subject-specific mentoring program of FB06

Member and reviewer of Appointments Committees
(Uni Kassel, Leibniz Uni Hannover, Hafen-City Uni Hamburg, Hochschule Bremen)




Brehm, Better than more. Sufficiency Strategies in Neighborhood Planning, in: BBSR/TU Berlin, Low-Tech | Sufficiency in the Building Sector, 2025,

Brehm et al, New neighborhoods, in: Stadtbauwelt 13/2023, p.14-19

Brehm / Cityförster, Framework plan for Bonn's federal district, in: City of Bonn (ed.), Framework planning for Bonn's federal district, 2022, p.7-187

Brehm / Cityförster / von Detten / freiwurf, Framework planning Oststadt Pforzheim, City of Pforzheim (ed.), Framework planning Oststadt Pforzheim, 2022, p.7-109

Brehm, Settlement Level 2.0, in: Kapitola et al. (eds.), InnerCities in Transformation, Berlin: Books People Places 2022, 28-37

Conference papers

Technical paper "Sufficiency in the neighborhood. Hafen-Ost Flensburg", Sufficiency Colloquium + Low-Tech Conference, BBSR / TU Berlin 05.06.2024

Technical paper "Designing for Circularity and Sufficiency. Ecovillage Hannover", Passive House Network Conference, 28.09.2023 (Online)

Technical paper "Design by availability. Recyclinghaus Kronsberg", 5th Fachkongress Holzbau Hessen, 13.09. 2023

Technical paper "Design + Imagination. City as Forest", Final Conference "Tacit Knowledge in Architecture", ETH Zurich, June 19-21, 2023

Technical paper "Circularity and Sufficiency in Neighborhood Development", 20th Forum Energy and Construction, Hanover, May 25, 2023

Expert contribution "District of the neighborhoods. Frankfurt Nordwest", 20th docomomo Germany Conference, Architektur der Moderne | Politik - Gesellschaft - Wohnungsbau, Frankfurt a.M., April 29, 2023

Invited lectures

Lecture "Neues Quartier Bundesviertel", University of Bonn / BDA Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 19.11.2024

Lecture "Climate protection and climate adaptation in the neighborhood", Archi-Textures #Hitze, Kulturdreieck Hannover 26.08.2024

Lecture "Circularity and Sufficiency in Architecture and Neighborhoods", Peter Behrens School of Arts, Düsseldorf, October 11, 2023


Solo exhibition "Rahmenplanung Hafen-Ost, Flensburg", 16.02.-19.03.2023, Museum Robbe+Berking, Flensburg

Exhibition contribution "City as Forest", exhibition "Unausgesprochenes Wissen / Unspoken Knowledge / Le (savoir) non-dit", ETH Zurich, June 2023


Awards and prizes

Hessian State Prize 2023, award category Grey Infrastructure, recognition for the "District of Districts, Frankfurt Northwest"

German Urban Design Award 2023, commendation for the Ecovillage Hannover, special prize "Designing climate adaptation"

Design Award of the Wüstenrot Foundation 2023, recognition for the Hanover Recycling House