
01/21/2024 | Info

New Equal Opportunities Team at ASL Faculty

Your contacts for women's and gender equality issues are Verena Brehm and Katharina Nahser (Institute of Architecture), Sarah Blahut (Institute of Urban Development) and Sonja Kamlah-Krug (Institute of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning). Lara Eckhardt, Lea Murbach and Pascale Hermann are students in the team.

We are committed to:

  • more equal opportunities at the faculty: no:one should be disadvantaged in their studies or workplace due to gender, migration background, disability or a particular family involvement
  • fair participation of all applicants in appointment and recruitment procedures: we accompany every procedure from the advertisement to recruitment and ensure a balanced distribution between men and women when selecting candidates. We also check compliance with legal requirements, such as the Hessian Equal Opportunities Act (HGlG)
  • safe studying and working: we provide advice and support on issues such as (sexualised) discrimination and violence during studies or in the workplace.
  • more networking in professional practice: we advise women in particular on possible career paths and establish contacts in professional practice
  • financial support for projects, exhibitions, academic work, further training, etc. in the field. We provide financial support for projects, exhibitions, academic work, training courses, etc. in the field of equality, feminism, diversity, etc.: please submit an informal application with a description of the planned project and the amount required. Please send the application to: gleichstellung.fb06[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. The team will discuss the application and decide unanimously on the application and the amount of financial support

The Representatives for Women and Equal Opportunities must be involved in all recruitment and appointment procedures

Please inform the representatives responsible for your Institute by email after the end of the advertisement which applicants have been invited for interview and when the interviews will take place. She will then let you know whether she can attend the interviews. Once you have made your selection decision after the interviews, ask the representative responsible for your Institute to approve the application for recruitment by email. The Representatives for Women and Equal Opportunities of faculty 06 will also be happy to advise you during the recruitment process.