Economic Behavior & Governance (EB&Go)
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Participation of the department in scientific centers, associations and programs
- International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER): Here, behavioural economics, governance research and their interaction play an important role in the fields of governance and organization as well as innovation and transfer. Examples include the projects "Regional returns to education through the employment of university graduates" and "Academic career dynamics in Germany over time" as well as the interdisciplinary INCHER graduate program "Elitereproduktion im Wandel?". The departments "Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship" and "Public Management" are involved.
- Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG): Here, for example, the participation in the LOEWE focus "Social Link" ("Always Online?" - a new communication paradigm for the communication society) should be mentioned, in which a new social communication paradigm for an optimized design of the work of knowledge workers as well as the support of their work-life balance is being researched and designed in an interdisciplinary manner. In addition to legal and technical perspectives, business psychology approaches are also included for a holistic approach to the issues. The "Business Psychology" department is involved.
- Competence Center for Empirical Research Methods: This primarily involves expertise in econometric methods and approaches. The "Statistics" and "Empirical Economic Research" departments are involved.
- Competence Center for Climate Protection and Adaptation (CliMA): Economic approaches and instruments play an important role in this competence center, which is closely networked with the research focus area Sustainable, Energy and Environment (NEU). The departments involved are "Environmental and Behavioural Economics", "Economic Psychology", "Fundamentals of Law, Private Law and Economics of Civil Law", "Decentralized Energy Economy" and "Empirical Economic Research".
- Competence Center for University Didactics in Mathematics (khdm): Among other things, research- and practice-oriented questions of learning and teaching mathematics in economic contexts are discussed here against the background of behavioral science findings in educational economics and empirical educational research. The "Quantitative Methods" department is involved.
- Research Network for Social Law and Social Policy (FoSS): In the network, which is supported by participants from the Departments of Human Sciences, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Kassel as well as from Fulda University of Applied Sciences, research is conducted on topics from social law and social policy from a disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective as well as from a legal and social science perspective. Topics with particular relevance to the Department of Economics include labor market policy and health professions. The "Economic, Labor and Social Law" department is involved.