A warm welcome

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The task of the In­sti­tu­te of Vo­ca­tio­nal Edu­ca­ti­on (IBB) is to scientifically investigate issues in the fields of work, professions, vocational education and lifelong professional learning in the light of social transformation processes.

The members of the IBB focus on vocational education – ranging from career orientation to vocational preparation and job training and even ongoing occupational training and business ­start-ups.

Teachers are ­trained in the specialist vocational fields of business, metal and electrical engineering and health at the Institute so that they are equipped to work in schools and in the education sector outside schools. The IBB also qualifies teachers to  prepare pupils for employment at general education schools and communicates skills for personnel development at companies as well as for entrepreneurial thinking and actions.

The specialist areas of the IBB

Work and Labor studies

Prof. Dr. Ralf Kiran Schulz

Work and Labor studies : Forward

Vocational education with a focus on technology didactics

Vocational and business education

Business education with a focus on vocational teaching and learning

Where can I find what?

Information on the management of the Institute of Vocational Education and Training can be found under the menu item Directorate. An overview of the staff employed at the Institute of Vocational Education and Training can be found under the team entries for the four subject areas of work education, vocational and business education, vocational education with a focus on technology didactics and business education with a focus on vocational teaching and learning as well as under the menu item People. Further information for those interested in studying Business Education(Bachelor's, Master's), Vocational Education - specializing in Metal Technology/Electrical Engineering(Bachelor's, Master's), Vocational Education - specializing in Health(Bachelor's, Master's) and the general education teaching subject of Work Studies(state examination) can be found under Infothek > Studies. Students who are already enrolled can also find further information about their studies under Infothek > Studies. Both prospective students and first-year students of Business Education can find the online self-assessment "Business Education at the University of Kassel" in the Infothek. Here you can find out more about the degree program and reflect on your expectations of the course. If you are interested in current information and job vacancies at the Institute for Vocational Education and Training, you will find these directly in the Infothek. Contact details including mailing and delivery addresses can be found under Contact. Directions can be downloaded here.

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