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Controlling has increasingly become a central pillar of basic business education. Whereas controlling played a limited role until some time ago with its focus on cost-accounting-based information, this has changed fundamentally as a result of numerous innovations. This is reflected not least in corporate practice, where controllers have been among the most frequent new hires for some time, but are also in demand in career development due to their broad-based understanding of economic contexts, especially for comprehensive management tasks.

Students should benefit from these positive trends and be well prepared for a successful career start or more advanced academic activities. To this end, fundamental principles of controlling as well as related neighboring areas are taught and current developments as well as insights into particularly promising controlling activities are provided. Close contact is established with the relevant practical relevance in order to sharpen the students' view of corporate reality. A bundle of different teaching methods is used to achieve these goals.

Controlling und Corporate Governance
In addition to the information in the HIS-LSF, please refer to the "Moodle" presence for the course:
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Pascal Nevries and M.Sc. Sören Abel


BWL IIIa: Controlling
In addition to the information in the HIS-LSF, please refer to the "Moodle" presence for the course:
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Pascal Nevries and M.Sc. Sören Abel


Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer (BA)
Please refer to the information in the HIS-LSF
Lecturer: M.Sc. Sören Abel


Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer - hoch hinaus (MA)
Please refer to the information in the HIS-LSF
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pascal Nevries

In addition to the information in the HIS-LSF, please note the "Moodle" presence for the event:
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pascal Nevries and M.Sc. Sören Abel


Strategisches Controlling
Please refer to the information in the HIS-LSF
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pascal Nevries


Forschungsseminar Controlling (BA)
Please refer to the information in the HIS-LSF
Lecturer: M.Sc. Sören Abel


Forschungsseminar Controlling & Management (MA)
Please refer to the information in the HIS-LSF
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Pascal Nevries

On Tuesday, 09.07.2024 the  2. exam inspection will take place at from 11:00 to 12:00 .Klausureinsicht for the course "Unternehmens-Controlling" (winter semester 2023/24) will take place.

For this purpose, it is mandatory to register by e-mail to with the subject "Klausureinsicht Unternehmens-Controlling WS23/24" up to and including Friday, 05.07.2024 .


Participants who have registered by the deadline will then receive information about their individual time slots.

The examination will take place exclusively in presence in R 1109, K 33, Henschelstr. 4, 34127 Kassel.