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Social commitment: student awarded DAAD prize
Since March of this year, Zaremba has been helping students who have fled to Kassel from Ukraine. Initially a volunteer, she now works as a student assistant at the International Office.
"After the Russian attack on Ukraine, we experienced a wave of solidarity. Many of our students helped the refugees: They translated, helped them find accommodation and donated goods," emphasized University President Prof. Dr. Ute Clement at the award ceremony.
Su also mentions Jana Zaremba. "She approaches the students and shows them a lot of empathy. As an international student from Moldova, she can put herself in the students' shoes very well and thus establish a special connection with them," explains Prof. Dr. Ivo Bischoff, Internationalization Officer at the Faculty of Business and Economics, who nominated her for the award. "She is also very familiar with the administrative processes and pitfalls at the University of Kassel. In this way, she makes a significant contribution to helping refugee students gain a foothold here."
Zaremba has been studying the English-language Master's degree course "Economic Behavior & Governance" since 2021. In addition to her social commitment, she has distinguished herself with above-average academic achievements. She is one of the top performers on her degree course and completed a semester abroad at Ulster University in Belfast despite the pandemic.
The DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievement by Foreign Students is awarded annually. At the suggestion of a lecturer, it honors special academic achievements and remarkable social or intercultural commitment at the University of Kassel. The prize is endowed with 1,000 euros.
Marlis Fellmann
University of Kassel
International Office
Tel. 0561 804-3075
E-mail: welcome-centre[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Dr. Andreas Gebhardt
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Tel. 0561 804-1961
E-Mail: Press[at]Uni-Kassel[dot]de