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Publication in IEEE Transactions on Learning

The paper "Vocational Training with Microlearning - How Low-Immersive 360-Degree Learning Environments Support Work-Process-Integrated Learning" was published in the journal "IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies". The paper was developed as part of the KoLeArn project together with the KLuQ learning platform and is available to interested companies as part of the Transfer Center . Dr. Matthias Simon Billert and Tim Weinert worked on the paper as joint first authors. Marian Thiel de Gafenco and Prof. Dr. Jens Klusmeyer (both from the Department of Business Education with a focus on vocational teaching and learning at the University of Kassel) as well as Dr. Andreas Janson (project manager) and Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister (project coordinator) also contributed to the interdisciplinary project and the paper. Special thanks go to the field partner BZ Kassel.

The paper designs, implements and evaluates a learning platform for work process-integrated learning with the help of so-called 360° images. The results show that even slightly immersive learning environments enable situational and rich learning in times of pandemics. The paper is part of the Special Issue "Workplace Learning Technologies" in the "IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies" (Impact Factor 2021: 4.433) Journal, which focuses on the interface between computer science and learning technologies.

Link to the paper:

Link to the Special Issue Editorial:


Citation: Billert, M. S., Weinert, T., Thiel de Gafenco, M., Janson, A., Klusmeyer, J., & Leimeister, J. M. 2022. Vocational Training with Microlearning - How Low-Immersive 360-Degree Learning Environments Support Work-Process-Integrated Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 15(5): 540-553. DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2022.3176777



Abstract: In-company training is facing new challenges in preparing employees for the demands of digitalized and automated manufacturing. New training concepts like microlearning are necessary to support work-process-related learning. To handle the limitations of microlearning, we develop a 360-degree learning system to demonstrate a realistic work environment and overcome the lack of design knowledge supporting the motivation and performance of employees using such systems. Based on a systematic literature review and semistructured interviews, we have developed design requirements for interactive 360-degree learning environments. We used a workshop-based mixed-method approach with interviews, concept maps, and video analysis to evaluate the motivation and performance of precision mechanics within a prototypical work-process-oriented learning environment in an intercompany vocational training center. The results show a positive effect on learning outcomes and motivation. In addition, the ease of use and sense of presence while using the learning environment are rated as high. We contribute to theory by shedding new light on learners' motivation and performance within work-process-oriented interactive 360-degree learning environments. Furthermore, we offer guidelines for developing interactive 360-degree learning environments against the background of the current metaverse discussion.