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New conference contribution: TIE Conference 2023
The Department of Technology and Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (TIME) is represented at the TIE Conference…New article by Prof. Dr. Mann and Ann-Catrin Pristl on the origins and avoidance of returns in online retailing published
In the article on "Customer expectations and returns behavior in online shopping", Prof. Dr. Mann and Ann-Catrin Pristl…Successful disputation
We congratulate Jana Marleen Walter, who successfully defended her dissertation entitled ""Mit Verve dabei" Die…EMBS Business Week
Project launch "DiWiBe - Understanding and Teaching the Digitization of Business and Commercial Occupational Areas
In the WÖRLD project network, 14 participating university locations are working on questions relating to the design and…Umfrage zu Photovoltaik in Kassel und Umgebung
Im Forschungsprojekt OwnPV-Outlook wird unter anderem das Investitions- und Nutzerverhalten von privaten Haushalten in…Luzie Thiel is attending the Econometric Society's "2023 North American Summer Meeting" June 22-25 at UCLA in Los Angeles
Luzie Thiel will present her research paper "Monetary Policy and Inequality: a Two-way Relation " at the Econometric…Sylvia Veit appointed Management Committee Member in COST Action CoREx
Sylvia Veit has been appointed Management Committee Member in the COST Action CA22150 "Comparative Research on the…Co-creating Sustainable Digital Futures: Department of Information Systems at ECIS 2023 in Kristiansand
The team from the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel was represented at this year's ECIS…TIME wins the Thomas P. Hustad Best Student Paper Award at IPDMC 2023 in Lecco/Italy
Last week we had the honor celebrating the 30th anniversary of the IPDMC (Innovation and Product Development Management…