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Luzie Thiel presents her research at EEFS 2023 in Berlin, EcoMod 2023 in Prague, and ECINEQ Meeting 2023 in Aix-en-Provence.
Luzie Thiel will attend the 21st "Annual European Economics and Finance Society Conference"(EEFS, 15.06.-18.06.) in…New study accepted for publication in Journal of Occupational Health
New study titled "Effects of task interruptions caused by notifications from communication applications on strain and…EAWOP 2023 Conference in Katowice, Poland
At the end of May, we attended the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference in…The office hours of Prof. Ohly will be cancelled on 16.06.
Best Paper Award of DESRIST2023 for paper on Common Ground at Conversational Agent Design.
The paper contribution "Designing Pedagogical Conversational Agents for Achieving Common Ground" by Antonia Tolzin,…Discussion Paper "Digital Central Bank Money: Why Does Nobody Dare to Take the First Step?" by Luzie Thiel and Jochen Michaelis
The discussion paper "Digital Central Bank Money: Why Does No One Dare to Take the First Step?" by Luzie Thiel and…Dr. Sven Kilian and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann presented the core results / findings of the SuCoCo project at BMUV
Dr. Sven Kilian and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann presented and discussed the core results and main findings of the research…"Golden stylus" for MPA student Jonas Rink
In order to analyze the potential of AI-based language models in teaching and learning, the Department 07 organized a…Keynote speech: A "real" Kujau - first experience of the marketing apprenticeship with ChatGPT
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner and Dr. Katrin Zulauf hold a keynote speech regarding the marketing apprenticeship with regard to…Ann-Catrin Pristl presented research results at the EMAC annual conference 2023 in Odense (Denmark)
Ann-Catrin Pristl presented results of the research project "How I Find out What to Expect of a Product: Investigating…