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Presentation at the University of Mauritius
Prof. Dr. Wagner presented results of a joint research with colleagues from the University of Mauritius at the 12th…Publication in Computers & Education
The article "Enhancing argumentative writing with automated feedback and social comparison nudging" by Thiemo…Lehrangebot im Wintersemester 2022/23
Das Lehrangebot des Fachs Quantitative Methoden / VWL im Wintersemester 2022/23 mit Links zu den moodle-Seiten finden…What really makes buyers tick - A look behind the scenes of buying behavior
Ann-Catrin Pristl, Dr. Sven Kilian and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann gave a presentation on the topic of paradoxes in buying…Playfully to learning success?
This question is addressed in the paper by Sofia Schöbel, Andreas Janson and Jan Marco Leimeister, which was accepted in…DiBEN project starts on October 1
In October, the project "Digital Business Ecosystem Navigator (DiBEN) - Digital Knowledge Platform for SMEs" starts at…The secretariat will not be staffed from 04.10. - 06.10.2022.
Review by Sylvia Veit published
On the publication "Sager, Fritz, Hardon, Susanne, Balthasar, Andreas, and Céline Mavrot (2022): Policy Evaluation. An…Free places in the seminar "Corona pandemic, Ukraine war - the economic dimensions".
There are still free places available for the seminar "Corona pandemic, Ukraine war - the economic dimensions" by Prof.…Aktuelle Informationen zur Klausureinsicht (Klausuren Sommersemester 2022)
Die zweite Klausureinsicht für die Klausuren Mathematik I und Mathematik II, die im Sommersemester 2022 geschrieben…