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Christmas party 2022
After no Christmas party of the department could take place in 2020 and 2021 due to corona reasons, it was finally time…Stafford Beer Medal for paper authored by André Hanelt, Sebastian Firk, Björn Hildebrandt and Lutz M. Kolbe
The paper “Digital M&A, digital innovation, and firm performance: an empirical investigation”, authored by André Hanelt,…Call for Papers: International conference on innovation and transformation in the digital age
Current call for papers for the "international conference on innovation and transformation in the digital age", which…Stellenanzeige: Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (m/w/d)
Im Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre – Fachgebiet Controlling (Prof. Dr.…Wie kann nachhaltige Finanzwirtschaft funktionieren?
Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth speaks at a panel discussion of the Future Forum Energy & Climate about the shortage of skilled workers in the handcraft sector
On Thursday, 24.11.22, an exciting discussion on the topic of "Is the shortage of skilled workers taking revenge for the…Application for the SAP TS-410 course now possible!
The SAP TS410 course will be held in the winter semester from 03/06 to 03/15/2023, . Since the course places are…Berufsbegleitender Lehrgang Innovationsmanagement Energie (IME)
Fit für die Zukunft? Die 3-monatige Weiterbildung zur/zum "Qualifizierte:n Innovationsmanager:in für #Energiesysteme"…Publication accepted at the Journal of Asia Business Studies
The Paper "Indian Wine Tourism: New Landscape of International Spillovers" by Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner and Prof. Dr. Swati…Presentation at the 14th Marketing – from Information to Decision Conference
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner presented the study “Sustainability Sells? Differences in Purchasing Behavior in Urban and Rural…