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New article published in the European Journal of Information Systems
The European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) has published the paper "Use IT again? Dynamic roles of habit,…Stellenausschreibung für studentische Hilfskräfte (m/w/d)
Das Fachgebiet Mikroökonomik und empirische Energieökonomik sucht ab sofort tatkräftige studentische Hilfskräfte (m/w/d)…Doctoral seminar on design science research and statistical analysis methods.
A doctoral seminar in the field of Design Science Research (DSR) took place at the University of Osnabrück from November…Mdl. Repeat exam "Sales and Customer Management!
Persons who participated in the exam "Sales and Customer Management" in summer term 22, but did not pass it or who could…Mdl. Retake exam for the module "Marketing Communication
Persons who participated in the written exam "Marketing Communication" in summer semester 22 but did not pass it or who…Presentation by Stefanie Vedder at the workshop "It's About Time: Temporal Dynamics and Longitudinal Research in Public Administration" in Bergen, Norway
Stefanie Vedder gave a presentation on "Temporal Dynamics in the Careers of Top Civil Servants in Germany: A…Best master's thesis in the Master of Public Administration program for the year 2022 chosen
The master thesis entitled "The Influence of Employee Interviews on the Functional Preservation of Formal Organizations"…Secretariat vsl. not occupied until 02.12.2022
The secretariat is not expected to be staffed until 02.12.2022.GS EBGo Junior Researcher Award 2022
Für seine herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistung im Rahmen des Forschungspapieres „Dynamic electricity tariffs:…Start of seminar P5 Schnause: Establishment of a vocational orientation center
Building a Career Orientation Center (BOZ) seminar begins Fri 4/11/22 at 9:00 am in room 106. Seats are still available.