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New article by Prof. Dr. Mann and Ann-Catrin Pristl on customer expectations published
Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann and Ann-Catrin Pristl have published an article on the topic of customer expectations in the 12 /…Professorship at Uni Zurich for Katarina Zigova
Dr. Katarina Zigova, EPIE researcher and associated member of INCHER, was appointed to an assistant professorship at the…WISE @ HICSS 2023
Four papers with participation of the WISE chair were accepted for the Hawaii International Conference on System…Free places for the SAP TS-410 course!
The SAP TS410 course will be held in the winter semester from 03/06 to 03/15/2023, . As the course places are limited,…Welcome to the Department of Economics, Prof. Dr. Isabell Hensel!
As of October 2022, Dr. Isabell Hensel will take over the Qualification Professorship for Civil Law and Labor Law in the…Beitrag zum HSI Report 1/2023
zum Diskriminierungsschutz gegen pauschale Regeln zum Regelruhestandsalter für weibliche BeamtinnenKonzeption eines Gleichstellungsgesetzes für die Privatwirtschaft
des Deutschen Juristinnenbunds e.V. (djb)Strong research in business administration: University of Kassel among the top 20
In a ranking by Wirtschaftswoche magazine on research strength in business administration, the University of Kassel is…Tak Danmark - Department of Information Systems at ICIS 2022 in Copenhagen
From 09-14 December 2022 this year's ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems) took place. The team of the…WISE @ ICIS 2022