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Article by Sylvia Veit published in Beamtenmagazin (BM): "Strengthening the future viability of the administration".
An article written by Sylvia Veit, Max Priebe and Philine Warnke on the topic of strategic foresight was published in…Teilnehmer für Feldtest zur E-Mobilität in Nordhessen gesucht
Die Elektromobilität ist ein wichtiger Baustein der Energiewende. Ein flächendeckender Einsatz von Elektrofahrzeugen und…EMBS Opening day
The Open Day is dedicated to prospective Master students from all over the world, interested in getting first-hand…HyMeKI working meeting in Kassel
On December 15/16, 2022, a joint working meeting of HyMeKI team members from the Hamburg and Kassel sites took place for…Vorlesung Mathematik am 19.12.22: Zoom statt Präsenz
Die Vorlesung Mathematik findet am 19.12.22 aufgrund der akuten Witterungsverhältnisse als Zoom-Sitzung statt. Den…Marketing implementation takes place online Monday 12/19/22
Due to warnings from the German weather service of black ice and associated restrictions on road and rail traffic, the…EMBS17 Call Is Online - 2 Years in 4 Countries
The call for the European Master in Business Administration (EMBS) is now online. Please find attached the call as a …New Publication: 'Sustainable value in the fashion industry: A case study of value construction/destruction using digital twins' by Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner & Dr. Agnieszka Kabalska
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner & Dr. Agnieszka Kabalska just published the paper 'Sustainable value in the fashion industry: A…Award at ICIS 2022: Best Publication of 2021
The paper “Digital M&A, digital innovation, and firm performance: an empirical investigation”, authored by André Hanelt,…SWR 2 - Ein besseres Wahlrecht - Weniger Abgeordnete, mehr Vielfalt