AnEkA - Legal and Quality-Centered Requirement and Design Patterns for Context-Aware Applications

Initial Situation

Context-aware systems use numerous data that refers to the user and her environment to deliver personalized situative services. They present users situation-relevant information and support them in their daily activities. Thereby, data is gathered from many different sources such as sensors or publicly available information to infer and predict situations or even user's mood or behavior. The more relevant data can be used for context detection and prediction, the higher is the probable fit between adapted system behavior to current user needs. While the collection and interpretation of personal data is required to ensure the system's functionality and high service quality, most of these data are to be protected according to legal requirements. Hence, legal and functional/quality requirements form the poles of an area of tension for the design and implementation of context-aware systems.

Project Goals

The goal of AnEkA is to develop interdisciplinary requirement and design patterns for legal and quality-centered design of context-aware applications. Thus, functional, quality and legal requirements are negotiated and integrated into the systems development process, to ensure high service qualiity and legal conformity while still leveraging the entire functional (i.e. technical) potential of context detection and adaption. The higher order goal is to support requirements and systems engineers conducting their work by patterns that capture interdisciplinary problem and design knowledge. AnEkA thereby focuses on the field of smart personal assistants (SPAs), widely known by prominent representatives such as Amazon Alexa, Samsung Bixby, Apple Siri or Micorosft Cortana. SPAs collect data which, by interpretation and combination, allow for user profiling and, hence, offer individualized and situation-relevant services. Hence, AnEkA is devoted to find "the right balance" between functional, quality and legal requirements and to translate resulting knowledge in requirement and design patterns.

Project Partners

  • University of Kassel, Information Systems, Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
  • University of Kassel, Public Law, Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel
  • PD Dr. Silke Jandt

Project AnEkA is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the self-governing organization for science and research in Germany.

DFG Project number: 348084924


  • Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
  • Dr. Andreas Janson
  • Ernestine Dickhaut