KI-BA - AI-based Business Automation for Recurring Business Models
Starting situation
In today’s time subscription-based business models gain significant relevance and develop across all industries, including IT, production, e-commerce and future-oriented industries like digital media, automotive and IoT. This development also influences the industry 4.0, as well as sharing-economy and sustainability.
This development presents new challenges, especially for German SME (small & medium sized enterprises). SME have only a limited budget, set of competences and limiting structures that endanger their competitiveness on the international market, especially considering the competition from the USA and China.
Aim of the project
The goal of KI-BA is to develop a technology-based solution for the presented problems and initial situation. With the use of chatbot technology and AI-based methods, as well as digital nudging, an early warning system is to be implemented. This system will allow SME to better analyze customer churn and implement preemptive measures to counteract. Here will data-driven methods – like machine learning – be used to compile occasion-related, automated and personalized recommendations or offerings for customers in real-time. The proposal of recommendations and offerings will use modern communication technologies like conversational agents (e.g., chatbots).
The superior goal of the project is the development of an application model that empowers German SME subscription service providers to implement advanced real-time countermeasures for customer churn. Therefore, the likelihood of subscription terminations and monetarization of subscription business will be optimized, in order to enable German SME to compete with international players.
Project Team
- billwerk GmbH
- University of Kassel, Information Systems
- Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
- Dr. Sofia Schöbel
- Dennis Benner