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kuLtig - Systematic development and piloting of methods and models for culture-sensitive learning service engineering using the example of China

Starting situation

The background to the project is China, as one of the strongest growth markets in the world. This is shown by increased investments by German companies in this market. In particular, these are companies in the automotive industry. Nevertheless, there is a lack of a well-trained workforce and suitable further training services for non-academic professionals in China. There is therefore great potential for German providers to export excellent German further training to China. The challenge, however, is to take into account the cultural peculiarities of China.


Basic idea

The basic idea of the project is the systematic consideration of service engineering in the export of vocational training. Learning services as person-related, knowledge-intensive services offer starting points for systematic service engineering. This enables the systematic and culture-specific development and design of learning services. Culture-sensitive, IT-supported teaching-learning scenarios are therefore the solution envisaged by the joint project in order to stimulate the export of vocational training and to raise the level of education in export countries such as China.

Project goals

The main goals of the project are:

  • Transfer and adaptation of methods of service engineering to learning services, taking cultural aspects into account
  • Culture-specific development and design of learning services using models, methods and tools
  • Creation of culture-sensitive IT-supported tools for blended learning scenarios
  • Development of viable business models for the export of vocational training

The novelty of the project idea lies in the linking of service engineering for the systematic development of learning services against the background of a cultural adaptation.

Project partners

  • Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik, Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
  • Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsdidaktik, Prof. Dr. Jens Klusmeyer
  • Institut Ingenium GmbH, Dr. Andreas Lischka
  • Chinesisches Zentrum Hannover e.V., Dr. Heinz-Dieter Goedeke

The kuLtig project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the auspices of the DLR in the funding priority Vocational Training Export (PT-BEX).
Joint funding code of the University of Kassel: 01BEX05A13



  • Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
  • Andreas Janson