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Services, especially in knowledge intensive branches, can help sustain employment in Germany in the long run. Therefore, lifelong learning is essential and thus services in professional development. In 2005, 69% of all German companies offered education services (Statistisches Bundesamt 2007), but less than one third of the companies evaluate the participants` learning success and only about 25% measure the implications of the trainings on work results. However, many companies would invest more in further education, if the positive impact on business practice was measurable (DIHK 2005). This observation illustrates the companies` specific need for new approaches to monitor and increase the value of educational programs.


The joint research project ProduSE (PRODuctivity enhancement in education through Service Engineering) aims to develop a productivity oriented service engineering method for professional development. Potentials exist for cost reductions through partial standardization of educational modules as well as quality improvements through increased individualization. The “Kasseler Blended Learning” concept is being developed, which enables productive implementation of blended learning by providing specific models and methods. In a discipline spanning approach, the project especially analyses how to apply service engineering in a educationally sensible way. Furthermore, deployment of information and communication technology is examined on the basis of economic criteria.


The project follows a three step approach. Initially, the current state concerning productivity in professional development services in research and practice is analysed. Based on the results from step one, methods and models for productivity enhancement are developed and integrated in the “Kasseler Blendend Learning” concept. In a third pilot phase, the concept will be applied to three different education programs in order to ensure transferability and robustness.


The methods and solutions developed are expected to have a high benefit for SMEs in particular through the  development and testing (piloting) of new design approaches and instruments for continuing education services. Significant contributions to strengthening the market position of the German continuing education industry through practical, productivity-enhancing instruments are expected. In addition, the project will help to close gaps in service research by transferring, adapting and evaluating service engineering methods to continuing education services and developing relevant instruments for productivity measurement and design.

Project Team

  • Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) – Universität Kassel
  • Chair for Industrial Sales Engineering (Prof. Dr. Joachim Zülch) – Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • European Research Center for Business-to-Business Management (Dr.-Ing. Jens Hollenbacher) – Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Research Group Service Management (Prof. Dr. Tilo Böhmann) – ISM Institute of Service Management gemeinnützige GmbH

Supporting Authorities

The ProduSE  project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supported by the Project Management Agency of the German Aerospace Center.
Promotional Reference: 01FL10043 

Contact Persons

  • Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
  • Philipp Bitzer