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Student assistants (m/f/d) wanted at the HUB for sustainable digitization!

Are you enthusiastic about the latest digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, the metaverse, chatbots, ChatGPT and other big language models?

Then become part of our young team and gain exciting insights into the future of service research and the hub "Making data-oriented value creation sustainable"! We are looking for committed students to support us with various tasks. Among other things, you can expect varied challenges in the field of generative artificial intelligence, low-code development and other exciting digital topics. Work with us on sustainable and data-oriented value creation!


We offer you...

  • Insight into and involvement in various research projects
  • Varied activities in the field of digitization of services (e.g. generative artificial intelligence, low-code tools, etc.)
  • Collaboration in an agile and dynamic team
  • Participation in community events and networking opportunities

Your tasks include ...

  • Accompanying team meetings and organizational processes
  • Support with various research activities
  • Preparation and follow-up of workshops, events and presentations
  • Community management and maintenance of a digital platform

We are looking for students who ...

  • enjoy taking on varied tasks
  • Show reliability and a sense of responsibility
  • Are well organized and can work independently
  • Have good analytical skills and a quick grasp of things


Scope of work:
20-40 hours/month, depending on agreement


Questions and applications to:

Please send your detailed application to:

Philipp Reinhard(philipp.reinhard[at]uni-kassel[dot]de) or
PD. Dr. Christoph Peters(christoph.peters[at]uni-kassel[dot]de)
Pfannkuchstraße 1; 34121 Kassel


The complete job advertisement can also be found in the pdf version here.