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Professor Leimeister Organizes Dagstuhl Seminar on "Crowdsourcing and the Semantic Web

Prof. Leimeister, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Abraham Bernstein from the University of Zurich (CH), Dr. Natasha Noy from the Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research (US) and Elena Simperl from the University of Southampton (GB), organized a  Dagstuhlseminar on the topic of crowdsourcing and Semantic Webam . The seminar analyzed, among other things, the use of existing crowdsourcing approaches to support traditional Semantic Web tasks and applications. In this context, it was also necessary to discuss theories, methods and techniques that can be used to develop better crowdsourced data management systems. Based on the results, a research agenda with possible implementation plans was developed by the participants of the seminar.

Within the framework of the worldwide recognized Dagstuhl Seminars, leading top researchers as well as young scientists and practitioners meet to exchange ideas on current challenges in specific areas. The participants of this seminar included a total of 27 researchers established in the field of crowdsourcing and semantic web from the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and the Netherlands.