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Dr. Matthias Söllner receives the 2013 Science Award for his dissertation

Presentation of the 2013 Science Award to Dr. Matthias Söllner (left). The laudation was held by Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister.

Dr. Matthias Söllner was one of two award winners at the Science Award 2013 ceremony on July 3, 2014 in the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel.

Dr. Matthias Söllner from the Department of Business Informatics completed his dissertation on "Deriving Trust Supporting Componentsfor Ubiquitous Information Systems" with great success in 2013 as part of the LOEWE research focus VENUS . The outstanding evaluation of his doctoral thesis prompted the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel to award him the 2013 Science Prize in recognition of this achievement.

This award was presented to him during the graduation ceremony of the Department of Economics on Thursday, July 03, 2014. In his laudation, Prof. Dr. Jan Maro Leimeister referred to the special significance of this work, which was produced within the interdisciplinary framework of the LOEWE-VENUS project. While the role and impact of people's trust in ubiquitous IT innovations has already been addressed many times in the literature, Dr. Söllner's dissertation thesis, written in English, is the first to address the question of how the innovative systems must be designed in order to gain users' trust. The trust-supporting components developed by Dr. Söllner ... "can support developers of ubiquitous information systems in the design of their systems and offer many potentials for further research", Professor Leimeister appreciates.

Dr. Söllner had already experienced the same appreciation of his work a week earlier on June 27, 2014 at INTARGIA Management Consulting, when he was invited to the colloqium of the three finalists for the  TARGIONScience Award 2014.

The dissertation of Dr. Matthias Söllner was published by kassel university press. Link to the publication