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Presentation of the anthology "Crowdwork - back to the future?" at the Frankfurt Book Fair: With a contribution by Prof. Dr. Leimeister

On October 10, Bund-Verlag presented the anthology "Crowdwork - back to the future?" at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Christiane Benner - executive member of IG Metall - is the editor of the volume, in which authors from various fields critically examine the topics of crowdsourcing and the resulting new form of work - called "crowd work" - and its implications for the future of work. Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister and his co-authors are represented here with a contribution in which the basics of crowdsourcing and crowd work are presented. The authors also present different forms of crowdsourcing as well as the current state of research on these aspects.

At the Frankfurt Book Fair, Christianne Benner and Prof. Leimeister gave an insight into the contents of the book and critically reflected on the various facets of crowd work and the future scenarios that may result from it in front of a large audience. You can find an excerpt of this reflection under the following link: