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Project kuLtig represented at the 3rd congress on vocational training export in Berlin

The kuLtig project was represented by Philipp Bitzer (founder of the transfer partner smarTransfer, among others) and Andreas Janson from the Department of Information Systems at the 3rd Congress on Vocational Training Export in Berlin. Here the past research results of the project kuLtig were presented in the context of a project market place. In addition, first prototypes of the project were presented to the professional audience. In concrete terms, the focus here is on possibilities for culturally-sensitive, workplace-based learning. 

In addition, current developments in the export of vocational training were discussed in a panel discussion at the congress. Andreas Janson represented the kuLtig project and, as rapporteur of a workshop held the day before, presented possibilities for revenue generation in vocational training export.

Note: The photo material was made available with the kind permission of Fraunhofer MOEZ (photographer: Peter Himsel).