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F.A.Z-Advertorial on Prof. Leimeister's session at the BMBF symposium: "How does Generation Y work? New Forms of Work and Employment for the Future".

Organized by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), this year's conference will be held under the motto "Work in the digitalized world". At the conference, Prof. Dr. Leimeister will chair the session "Digital Working and Crowd Working: New Forms of Work and Employment Today and for the Future," in which forms of work and employment in digital (project) work will be discussed and debated by experts from research and practice. An open discourse on the forms of digital work such as crowd working, but also on the opportunities and challenges associated with these concepts, is to be conducted with various stakeholders - such as crowdsourcing companies and startups, interest group associations.

To this end, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published an advertorial entitled "How does Generation Y work? New forms of work and employment for the future". In the advertorial, Prof. Leimeister explains how younger generations (also known as "Generation Y"), who have grown up with digital technologies and the Internet from birth, handle and work with information technologies much more intensively and naturally. New work concepts such as crowd working - whereby Internet users collectively take on tasks that are typically completed by employees within a company - would accordingly become established, particularly in the software industry.

For the COMPLETE version of the advertorial, please see the attached files.


