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Doctoral Workshop WISIC of the Department of Information Systems in Kassel

On September 15 - 17, 2015, the 10th Workshop on IT, Service, Innovation and Collaboration (WISIC) of the Department of Information Systems took place in Kassel. During the three-day workshop, doctoral students of the Department of Information Systems as well as doctoral students of the Institute of Information Systems at the University of St. Gallen presented their dissertation projects. The respective presentations were followed by discussions in which the presenters received feedback from the audience on their dissertation projects. The topics of the 23 WISIC participants covered the research areas of Open Innovation and Digital Business Innovation, Service Engineering, eLearning, Collaboration Engineering, IT Innovation Management, IT Outsourcing as well as Crowdsourcing.

In addition to different presentation formats for dissertation projects, doctoral students in your initial phase shared possible developments for dissertation ideas with the entire group in an IdeaPitch and discussed them afterwards. This particularly interactive format took place this time in the IdeaLab of SciencePark Kassel.