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Successful disputations by Katja Lehmann and Sarah Oeste-Reiß

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017, two successful disputations of the Department of Information Systems of the University of Kassel took place in the large hall of the ITeG: 

Katja Lehmann defended her dissertation entitled "Fostering Interaction and Feedback in Higher Education Large-Scale Lectures - Design and Evaluation of Technology-Mediated Self- and Peer Assessments". Subsequently, Sarah Oeste-Reiß defended her dissertation entitled "Leveraging the Potentials of Peer Learning - Conceptual Foundations and Reference Processes for Peer Learning." 

Professor Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister then congratulated both of them warmly on their successful disputation and presented each of them with a doctoral hat individually designed by the scientific staff of the department.

The successful disputations were followed by a champagne reception and lunch, which gave the two disputants the opportunity to celebrate this important milestone in their lives in the company of former colleagues, family members, friends and companions, and to exchange memories with a view to their time together at the Chair. Both disputations were also included in the ITeG Research Day held on the same day. Enclosed are a few photo impressions of these two disputation events.