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Good media response to Cloud & crowd transfer conference in Frankfurt

The conference of the BMBF-funded joint project "Challenge Cloud and Crowd", which was organized by the Departmentof Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) and held in cooperation with IG Metall and Ver.di in Frankfurt on April 25, 2018, received a good media response. Under the conference motto "Successfully shaping digital working worlds of the future", a total of over 100 participants from society, trade unions, politics, business and science discussed opportunities and risks of the digitalization of the working world, in particular work via crowdworking platforms. Top-class speakers from trade unions, business and science answered the participants' questions.

The project "Challenge Cloud and Crowd" is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and includes the ISF Munich, the Department of Business Informatics (Prof. Dr. Leimeister) at the University of Kassel, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, IG Metall, Ver.di and andrena objects AG as partners. Within the project, the WI department is responsible for the subproject on crowdworking platforms. This project conference was organized within the Department of Information Systems by Volkmar Mrass .

Several media representatives were also present at this conference. As a result, the conference was featured on Deutschlandfunk, various podcasts, and the VDI-Nachrichten (VDI news), among others. 


In addition, you can find here the online conference documentation on the part of the joint project: