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Dr. Sarah Oeste-Reiß Speaker at the LABOR.A - Platform "Work of the Future

On September 13, 2018, the LABOR.A event, organized by the Hans Böckler Foundation , took place at Berlin . LABOR.A provides a platform for exchange between workplace actors, academia, think tanks, policy makers and trade unions. The focus of the event was the rapidly changing world of work and how it can be shaped in a way that benefits everyone. The collaboratively planned program combined the Hans Böckler Foundation's diverse activities on the work of the future with the contributions of external program partners in sessions and at the Market of Opportunities. Background: In June 2017, the report "Transforming Work!" of the Commission "Work of the Future" was published. Based on this report, the Hans Böckler Foundation is continuing to think ahead - together with stakeholders and other experts. 

In this context, Dr. Sarah-Oeste Reiß, research group leader at the Department of Information Systems at the Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG), held a session on "How do human and artificial intelligence merge to create the knowledge work of the future?

Through collaboration, groups can solve tasks that an individual cannot due to limited cognitive abilities. Such collaboration processes can be systematically developed to deliver high-quality results. The increasing virtualization of work and advances in artificial intelligence are creating potential for novel collaboration formats in the form of human-machine collaboration, where human collaboration can be augmented with artificial intelligence as a 'new team partner'. In this context, an understanding of the characteristics and the application potentials of a hybridization of intelligence as well as a derivation of implications for the development of structured collaboration processes are of central importance.

Further information on this event and the event program can be found here: