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Department of Information Systems again well represented at ICIS 2018 in San Francisco

The Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) of the University of Kassel was also well represented at this year's "International Conference on Information Systems"(ICIS) from December 13-16, 2018 in San Francisco/USA. The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) is an A-rated conference (VHB-Jourqual 3) and the most important conference in the field of Information Systems worldwide. The venue of this conference changes annually between continents, this year's event took place in San Francisco/USA . 

As in previous years, contributions and the commitment of members of Professor Leimeister's team (in some cases also together with external contributors) received special attention: Dr. Sarah  Oeste-Reiß  was nominated for the "Best Associate Editor Award". The paper "Design and Evaluation of an IT-based Formative Feedback Tool to Foster Student Performance" by Roman  Rietsche, Kevin Duss, Jan Martin  Persch and Matthias Söllner was nominated for the award in the category "ICIS 2018 Best Paper".