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Research stay of Sofia Schöbel and Dr. Andreas Janson at Bentley University in the context of the Academy of Management Meeting 2019

During a research stay at the Accountancy and Information & Process Management Department of the McCallum Graduate School of Business at Bentley University, both Sofia Schöbel and Dr. Andreas Janson gave research presentations on their respective research topics. Sofia Schöbel's talk focused on avatars in digital learning. Dr. Andreas Janson's talk focused on digital nudging. 

In July and August, Sofia Schöbel was invited by Prof. Dr. Jane Fedorowicz to be a visiting scholar at the Accountancy and Information & Process Management Department at the McCallum Graduate School of Business at Bentley University. Dr. Andreas Janson accepted this invitation in August. 

Bentley University is a private university with a business focus. The university is particularly distinguished by its combination of business, technology, science and the arts. It was named the 2019 Best University for Accounting in the U.S. by the online database College Factual( and is among the top 100 business schools in the U.S. in 2018, according to a Bloomberg Businessweek ranking(

During their research stay, both also attended the Academy of Management Meeting in Boston, where they gave presentations at the conference, including topics on digital learning and designing smart personal assistants, and participated in various workshops. For example, Sofia Schöbel participated in the Doctoral Consortium and Dr. Andreas Janson participated in the Junior Faculty Consortium of the OCIS Division.