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Successful transfer conference on empowerment in agile work organization: intensive transfer of knowledge into practice

As part of the project "Empowerment in the digital world of work", which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe(PTKA), the Department of Information Systems(Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) of the University of Kassel held the transfer conference "Empowerment in the agile work organization" on September 26, 2019 in Kassel. The more than 30 participants from science and practice were able to engage in a comprehensive exchange here together with the other project partners ISF Munich, IG Metall, Audi AG, andrena objects GmbH. 

After a welcome by the hosts, Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters , Ijeoma OnwukavomPTKA gave a welcoming speech. Afterwards short lectures of Speakern from prominent Agilitätstransformationen as well as the science followed first impulses for the further meeting. From practice could be won here Reimar  Paschke (Siemens AG) and Michael Schmitzer(IG Metall). Benedikt  Simmert (University of Kassel) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Boes (ISF Munich) brought in-depth scientific insights into the context of the transfer conference. Afterwards, an intensive discussion in the form of a World CafĂ© with all participants and moderated by Karen  Eilers offered a platform to exchange ideas with each other. From the discussion format, concrete recommendations for action for the design of more empowerment in the agile work organization could be jointly developed. A final summary of the results by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters showed a variety of different perspectives on empowerment in the agile work organization and approaches for promoting and shaping it. 

The documentation will soon be available on the project website !