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Jan Marco Leimeister Program Chair of the successful ICIS 2019 in Munich

The 40thEdition of the International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS) from December 15-18, 2019 in Munich was one of the most successful ICIS conferences since its inception. In addition to the fact that the organizers succeeded in bringing this conference to Germany for the first time ever and the good atmosphere as well as the smooth proceedings, this also applies in particular to the content part:

For ICIS 2019,  1,548 papers were submitted (for comparison ICIS 2018 in San Francisco: 1,411), of whicha total of 420 papers were accepted(acceptance rate of 27.1 percent). In terms of content, the papers covered a broad spectrum of topics in the field of information systems and were of a very high standard overall. 

In addition to Wai Fong Boh (Professor at Nanyang Technological University/Singapore) and Sunil Wattal (Associate Professor at Temple University/USA), Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Director of the Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG) and Head of the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel, acted as'Program Chairs' responsible for the content of this most important international conference in the field of business informatics. In addition, Dr. Andreas Janson from the Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Leimeister) and Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner (Head of the Department of Information Systems and Systems Development) together with Martin Dias (Northeastern University/USA) and Shi-Ying Lim (National University of Singapore/Singapore) were involved as review coordinators.

Enclosed are a few photo impressions of the Track Chair, Best Associate Editor and Best Reviewer Reception led by the Program Chairs (Boh/Leimeister/Wattal) as well as the Golden Disk awarded to each of the current Program Chairs as an award.