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Department of Information Systems sets content focus for ICIS 2019

The Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) was once again able to set many content accents at the International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS), which took place in Munich from December 15-18, 2019 . The topics of the contributions in the papers, workshops, etc., again covered a wide spectrum. The following contributions of the field were submitted to this conference, processed on site, discussed and presented:


  • Engel, C.; Leicht, N.; Ebel, P. (2019): The Imprint of Design Science in Information Systems Research: An Empirical Analysis of the AIS Senior Scholars' Basket. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
  • Li, M. M.; Müller, J.; Ernst, S. -J. & Peters, C. (2019): Take the Wheel - Technology-driven Change in the Energy Sector. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
  • Schmidt-Kraeplin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Schöbel, S. & Sunyaev, A. (2019): Users' Game Design Element Preferences in Health Behavior Change Support Systems for Physical Activity: A Best-Worst-Scaling Approach. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
  • Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Mishra, A. N. (2019): A Configurational View on Avatar Design - The Role of Emotional Attachment, Satisfaction, and Cognitive Load in Digital Learning. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).

Special Interest Groups, Paperathon, and Workshops:

  • Barev, T. J., Janson, A. (2019): Towards an Integrative Understanding of Privacy Nudging - Systematic Review and Research Agenda. In: Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS (ICIS).
  • Billert, M. (2019): Yes, We Can! Blockchain Based Crowdfunding and Crowdworking. In: Pre-ICIS SIGBPS 2019 Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract.
  • Dickhaut, E. (2019): Special Interest Group Human Computer Interaction (SIG HCI).
  • Eilers, K. (2019): Workshop on "How to be an effective reviewer" with Edgar Whitley.
  • Engel, C.; Ebel, P.; Dellermann, D. (2019): Are Two Better Than One? Hybrid Intelligence as a New De-sign Approach for Complex Decision Making. In: JAIS-MISQE Joint Special Issue Workshop: "Artificial Intelligence in Organizations"; Pre-ICIS Workshop in collaboration with SIM.
  • Mrass, V. (2019): "Change in Political Leader's Influence with the Use of Social Media Microblogs" (Paperathon).
  • Peters, C.; Li, M.M.: Special Interest Group Service (SIG SVC), "Service Science and IS: Moving Forward to Make a Difference" (Co-Organizer: Christoph Peters/Vice President). 

The department was also intensively involved in this conference content due to Professor Leimeister's function as one of the three Program Chairs . The University of Kassel was also one of the sponsors ofthis conference.

In addition to the exchange of content, the scientific staff of Professor Leimeister also used this conference for networking with other researchers at this conference during the numerous accompanying receptions and events.