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Article on study by the Department of Information Systems published in the renowned business magazine "Capital

The renowned business magazine"Capital"of the publishing house Gruner + Jahr and other media recently published a report on a research project carried out at the department of Business Informatics(Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) on the internal crowd. This study was sponsored by the Hans Böckler Foundation and examines the framework conditions for the successful use of this new form of work organization. 

The study concludes that both employees and employers can benefit from internal crowd work . However, clear rules are needed to ensure that this works and that employees do not suffer from additional workloads, have to work in their free time or that the working atmosphere deteriorates as a result of increasing competitive pressure.

The article in"Capital" from 25.6.2020 with the title "New Work: Crowdwork: These 4 prerequisites must be met" can be accessed here .

The complete study 436 of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung with the title "Die Interne Crowd - Mitarbeiter/innen im Spannungsfeld neuer Arbeitsformen" (The Internal Crowd - Employees in the area of tension of new forms of work) conducted by the department Wirtschaftsinformatik can be accessed here .