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MISQE paper by Volkmar Mrass, Christoph Peters and Jan Marco Leimeister accepted

In the renowned international journal "Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive"(MISQE), an article by Volkmar Mrass, Christoph Peters and Jan Marco Leimeister has recently been finally accepted. It is entitled "How Companies Can Benefit from Interlinking External Crowds and Internal Employees" and deals with the question of how companies canprofitablyuse this new, hybrid form of work organization by means of crowdworking platforms. The focus of the article is on the question of the close integration of external crowds and internal employees of a company and the potential to increase agility, quality and speed of product development. It also shows how companies can exploit the advantages of each form and mitigate its disadvantages through this hybrid work organization.

The journal MISQE is the official "sister publication" of the renowned international A+ journal "Management Information Systems Quarterly"(MISQ), which is considered one of the two leading international journals in the field of Information Systems ("Business Informatics"). MISQE itself is aimed at both researchers and corporate executives and is classified as a B journal according to the JOURQUAL3 ranking of the Association of University Teachers of Business Administration(VHB). Both journals, MISQ and MISQE, are also officially affiliated journals of the Association for Information Systems(AIS), the leading academic professional international association in the field of information systems based in the USA.