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Prof. Jan Marco Leimeister elected Vice President Education of AIS

In a vote among the members of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), the global business information systems association, Prof. Jan Marco Leimeister was elected Vice President Education. He will assume this position on September 1, 2021.

In this function, he is involved in all decisions of the world association as a member of the AIS Council / Presidium. There, he is responsible in particular for the topics of research-oriented teaching and education in the field of business informatics/information systems.

With over 4,800 academic members in 98 countries, the AIS is the worldwide association for researchers in the field of information systems. One of its main goals is to develop solutions to the major challenges of our society ("grand challenges") by means of business informatics research and teaching. This is also done at the major annual conferences, including the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), for each of which Prof. Leimeister has already assumed the important role of Program Chair in the past (ECIS 2014 and ICIS 2019).