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Presentation of the HISS project in the exhibition "Knowledge Memory

With the goal of bringing ideas for a more sustainable future from research into society, visitors were able to gain in-depth insights into the HISS research project once again through the presentation "Artificial intelligence in the transformation of work" at the "Pitch your impact" event on 04.08.2022. In addition to the challenges in IT support (such as overload and monotony), ethical criticisms of the use of artificial intelligence in the world of work were presented. Likewise, Hybrid Intelligence -the symbiosis of human and artificial intelligence was presented as a possible solution approach.

Special emphasis was placed on the approach of active involvement and co-design possibilities of the users in the development process. Through an agile and participative development process and the use of no-code/low-code solutions, IT support staff should have control over the AI deployment and be able to introduce automations in a self-determined manner. The conclusion of the presentation: a socially acceptable and human-centered development of artificial intelligence can sustainably improve jobs in IT service management.

We would like to thank UniKasselTransfer and Raamwerk for the great organization of the events and all project participants for their cooperation!

The exhibition "Wissensspeicher" can be visited until August 20, 2022. For more information, please visit: