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Co-creating Sustainable Digital Futures: Department of Information Systems at ECIS 2023 in Kristiansand

The team of the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel was represented with five contributions at this year's ECIS (European Conference of Information Systems). In addition, individual team members took on the role of (co-) chairs in various sessions and workshops.

The conference took place in Kristiansand, Norway from June 14 - 16, 2023 and is one of the world's leading international conferences in the field of information systems. According to the Jourqual 3 ranking of the Association of University Teachers of Business Administration (VHB), it is classified as a B conference. It is organized by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), the leading international professional association in the field of information systems.


The following papers were presented:

Benner, D. & Schöbel, S. (2023): Stay with me - Conversational Churn Prevention in Digital Subscription Service European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.

Elshan, E.; Germann, D.; Dickhaut, E. & Li, M. M. (2023): Faster, Cheaper, Better? Analyzing how Lowcode Development Platforms drive Bottom-Up Innovation European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.

Gleich, T.; Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2023): Meetings at Digital Workplaces - An Experimental Approach to Analyze Group Attachment and Organizational Commitment in Digital Worlds European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.

Hupe, A. & Bretschneider, U. (2023): Smarter Crowdwork by Applying Smart Contracts? European Conference on Information Systems European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.

Ritz, E. (2023): Getting into Flow!? Enhance Flow-like Experiences and Learning Performance Through Personalized Learning Activities European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Kristiansand, Norway.