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Research visit by Prof. Söllner to the ETH AI Center

Research visit by Prof. Söllner to the ETH AI Center

At the beginning of May, Prof. Söllner had the wonderful opportunity to visit the ETH AI Center. Many thanks to April Yi Wang as well as Mrinmaya Sachan and his team for the hospitality and the lively discussion!

He gave a presentation on the Legal Writer, an AI-based learning system that helps law students acquire legal writing skills. More details about this system can be found in our recent publication on ICIS2023 (Click here for the ICIS publication ). 

If you are  at #CHI2024, you can visit Florian Weber's presentation on the system to get the latest insights. Click here for the details. 


English version:

Research Stay of Prof. Söllner at ETH AI Center 

At the beginning of May, Prof. Söllner had the wonderful opportunity to visit the ETH AI Center. Many thanks to April Yi Wang as well as Mrinmaya Sachan and his team for the hospitality and the lively discussion!

He gave a talk on the Legal Writer, an AI-based learning system that helps law students acquire legal writing skills. You can find more details about this system in our recent publication at ICIS2023