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Circular economy of urban carbon flows through innovative recycling paths for biowaste

As part of the SDG graduate program CirCles, the potential of innovative recycling paths for urban biowaste is being investigated in cooperation with the departments of Sustainable Marketing, Resource Management and Waste Technology as well as Grassland Science and Renewable Resources. The inter- and transdisciplinary project aims to close urban carbon cycles by providing biowaste free of foreign substances, processing it in a targeted manner and recycling it sustainably.

Currently, activated carbons based on hard coal or coconut are mainly used for the targeted removal of organic trace substances from wastewater matrices. As part of CirCles, the Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Resources is investigating the suitability of urban biowaste as a raw material for the production of activated carbons. The focus is on the targeted processing of biowaste for the production of activated carbon and the development of adapted pyrolysis and activation profiles for the production of high-quality biogenic activated carbon for wastewater treatment.

Project information

Project partners:

Department of Urban Water Management

Department of Sustainable Marketing

Department of Resource Management and Waste Technology

Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Resources

Associated partners:

Kassel municipal waste disposal company

Waste disposal district of Kassel


Environment and Garden Office of the City of Kassel

Supported by

University of Kassel as part of the SDG graduate program

Duration: July 2022 - December 2025

Further information