
Here you will find some essential information about writing scientific theses in our field of study.


The following formal requirements must be met in order to write a thesis at the Chair of Sustainability Management:

  • Theses are usually linked to ongoing research topics and projects in the department. Therefore, we assume a strong interest in relevant topics of the research area and expect previous knowledge in the field of sustainability management and corporate social responsibility. This knowledge can be acquired by successfully completing our courses.  
  • As a foundation, we require the participation in the University Library's training course on database research as well as the participation in the Citavi training course. Corresponding proof must be presented at the department.
  • For master theses we require the successful completion of a course on research methods. As a matter of principle, only theoretically sound empirical papers, which are deploying qualitative or quantitative methods, or models based on empirical data, are assigned at our department for master theses.

To apply, please send us a cover letter, your curriculum vitae and a current overview of your grades by e-mail, so that we can assess whether you meet the above requirements.


Possible topics for your thesis:

  • Transformative Services and Sustainability
  • Circular Economy
  • Food Waste
  • Base of Pyramid
  • Mindful decision-making for sustainability
  • Sharing services
  • Precarious and "dirty" work
  • Vocational calling and meaningful work
  • Supply Chain Management


Preparation of scientific theses

You should base your thesis on current scientific publications in internationally recognised journals.

The following guidelines are intended to provide you with additional orientation for writing your thesis:

Guideline theses

Here you will find the University of Kassel's handbook on the subject of plagiarism and rules of academic work:

Handreichung Plagiate_Uni Kassel (in German)

Grundregeln wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens (in German)