European Master in Business Studies (EMBS)

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General information

The European Master in Business Studies is a Master's program consisting of four semesters in four different European countries (Trento/Italy, Annecy/France, León/Spain and Kassel/Germany).

The EMBS is an international study program for European Business Management, which is aimed at small groups of students of different nationalities.
The courses are taught in English by qualified lecturers and managers from European companies.
Admission is open to all students with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management or with another study background with a focus on Economics and Management.
The EMBS starts each winter semester. Please check for the application deadline for the current year.

We offer an interesting experience at very affordable conditions, providing students with a practical and academic insight into an increasingly globalized world.


For more information on course content, admission criteria and the application process, please visit:

Graduation Ceremony EMBS 16 - January 2025

Call EMBS18 2024-25

Call for admission up to 40 students (Non-EU and EU) to the Joint degree European Master in Business Studies (EMBS)

Academic Year 2024-2025

  • Every year the EMBS Admission Board admits to the EMBS a limited number of students coming from European and Non-EU countries. The EMBS may not be operational with less than 15 students with a minimum of 3 different nationalities. The target number of students should be between 20 and 40 representing 3 or more nationalities.
  • The official length of the EMBS program is four semesters, one in each of the participating universities. Students gain a total of 120 ECTS credits including the company project, the master thesis module (15 ECTS credits) allocated to the 3rd semester and the internship module (10 ECTS) to be done at the end of the 4th semester.
  • The EMBS starts each winter semester in September at the Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy). The 2nd semester is run at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc in Annecy (France), the 3rd semester at the University of Kassel (Germany) and the 4th semester at the Universidad de León (Spain).
  • The official language of the EMBS program is English both for teaching and exams.
  • Interested prospective students who are willing to participate in the competition for one of the available positions in the Academic Year 2024-2025 are invited to submit their application according to the rules described below in this call.

EMBS 2023 Startup Week in Annecy


EMBS Startup Week 2022

2 Years in 4 Countries


General Information

The European Master in Business Studies is a Master's degree composed of four semesters in four different European countries (Trento/ItalyAnnecy/FranceLeón/Spain and Kassel/Germany).

  • The EMBS offers an international programme in European Business Management to small groups of students of various nationalities.
  • The courses are taught in English by qualified faculty and managers from European companies.
  • All students with a Bachelor in Economics and Management or students with other study backgrounds with a focus on Economics and Management are qualified.
  • The EMBS starts each winter term. Please have a look at to find out the application deadline for the current year.


We offer an interesting experience at very favourable conditions, thus enabling students to have a practical and academic insight into a more and more globalised world.


Press Review

  • Welcome to European Master in Business Studies (UniTrento 15.03.2019) more
  • Internationales Studium als Türöffner (HNA, 05.02.2012) more
  • Second Place for EMBS (Le Moci, 19.01.2012) more

2 Years in 4 Countries