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Project conclusion "TANDEM" and publication of the final volume "Innovating in Demographic Change: Methods and Concepts for Modern Innovation Management".

The research project "TANDEM", which started in August 2011 and was coordinated by the University of Kassel  under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister and  Prof. Dr. Sandra Ohly (Department of Business Psychology) and carried out together with the affiliated institute of the Technical University of Munich (Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar - Fortiss) and the Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Prof. Dr. Kathrin Möslein - CLIC - Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation), has now been completed.

The task of the project was to design methods, models and tools for a systematic, age-diverse innovation management and to make this available for the software and medical technology industry.

Through the formation of age-diversified teams (TANDEMs), an exchange of experience should take place between the academic knowledge of young, less experienced employees and the experiential knowledge of the older, more experienced workforce, thus improving the innovation activity of companies against the background of demographic change.

As part of this research project, the book "Innovating in Demographic Change: Methods and Concepts for Modern Innovation Management" by Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Möslein and Prof. Dr. Sandra Ohly has now been published.

Short Description:

The authors of this anthology present new methods and concepts on how companies can successfully combine the knowledge of younger and older employees and thus generate successful innovations under the changed conditions of demographic change. Within the joint project TANDEM, age-diverse communities were initiated, which are recruited from young and old employees of a company and jointly generate and evaluate innovations and implement them within the framework of joint development projects.

The book is now available in stores and at the following link: