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Best Paper Award for contribution from the ExTEND project

As part of the research project ExTEND "User-generated service systems for the digital transformation of organizations", Sissy Ernst, Mahei Li, Dr. Christoph Peters and Prof. Jan Marco Leimeister were awarded the Best Paper Award for their contribution "User-generated service systems for the digital transformation of organizations" at the Digivation 2018 conference. 

The results of the research project, which was funded by the BMBF and accompanied by PTKA, were jointly presented by the co-authors Mahei Li (UKS), Christan Grotherr (UHH) and Martin Schymanietz (FAU) at the second conference of the funding priority "Service Innovation through Digitization" on March 20, 2018 at the RWTH Aachen Campus. The paper will be published in an anthology by Springer Verlag at the end of 2018.